Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mrs. McMahon is reading . . .

I've just finished reading -- actually devouring -- The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I would never have chosen to read this book on my own. In fact, I almost chose NOT to read it for my book club, but once I picked it up, I simply couldn't put it down. At over 500 pages, I was still able to finish it in just four days. Of course, what does it say that my two-year-old was even scolding me to put the book down at different times?

It has been a long time since I've read a book like this. After finishing it, I found myself still thinking about it and trying to piece it together. I have found myself searching Google for others' comments and opinions about the book.

I'll leave my readers with these questions:

Who is the murderer?

Is David's story true -- or only true in his mind?

Who IS the angel?


  1. After discussing the book at book club, I'm still left with a few quesions. I can't wait to read this author's first book though!

  2. After discussing the book at book club, I'm still left with a few questions. I can't wait to read this author's first book though!

  3. After reading the book I still have 1 or 2 questions

    -1- DId Mr. Highgate get well?

    -2- Did Mr. Holton escape with his family the first time?

    -3- What happened to Mrs. Chloe and them??

  4. I like the smiley face!!!!!:)

  5. Can Raina talk to Margart, Katy,?


BE SAFE! Students should NEVER include their last names when posting! Make sure comments are relevant to the posted question and school-appropriate, grandmother approved!