Thursday, August 13, 2009

Meeting Author Jess Riley

Driving Sideways by Jess Riley was a fun read. I loved the one-liners and the way the story took the reader across the country on a journey. This was a quick, fun, summer read -- I highly recommend this one to female staff, teachers, and even junior and senior girls who like realistic fiction.

Better yet was meeting the author, Jess Riley. She agreed to meet with our book club on Wednesday evening. Like her main character, Leigh, I felt like Jess would fit in perfectly with my friends -- quick-witted, fun, and intelligent. It truly was a great experience to meet her.

Thank you, Jess, for being a part of the Jemima J's for the evening! I am looking forward to your next book!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mrs. McMahon is reading . . .

I've just finished reading -- actually devouring -- The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I would never have chosen to read this book on my own. In fact, I almost chose NOT to read it for my book club, but once I picked it up, I simply couldn't put it down. At over 500 pages, I was still able to finish it in just four days. Of course, what does it say that my two-year-old was even scolding me to put the book down at different times?

It has been a long time since I've read a book like this. After finishing it, I found myself still thinking about it and trying to piece it together. I have found myself searching Google for others' comments and opinions about the book.

I'll leave my readers with these questions:

Who is the murderer?

Is David's story true -- or only true in his mind?

Who IS the angel?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mrs. McMahon is looking forward to . . .

I'm so excited that one of the book clubs I'm in has invited author Jess Riley to attend our August book club! Anytime you get a chance to meet an author, it always gives you insight into his/her book. I've met authors of childrens' books, mystery writers, and authors of memoirs . . . they are all wonderful experiences.

For our August book club, we are reading Riley's book Driving Sideways. I haven't started the book yet -- but it's sitting on my nightstand waiting for me to open it! Has anyone out there read this book?

For Staff: What are you currently reading?

I was first introduced to this author when I read The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes. I loved that book and put all of Diane Chamberlain's books on my "to read" list. This book, Before the Storm, is just as good a read as the first Chamberlain book I read. This author has been called the "Sourthern Jodi Picoult," so for all you Picoult fans, I recommend this author!

Monday, June 8, 2009

For Students: What are you reading right now?

Even avid readers love a great book suggestion!

If you have recently read a book you couldn't put down, couldn't stop thinking about, or couldn't believe you were on the last page, tell us about it! Make sure to include the title and author and a brief synopsis -- but don't give away the ending -- Happy Readers Hate That! :)

Middle School Book Club Discussion

Although our book club isn't officially meeting this summer, I did recommend a book that I thought many of you would enjoy: What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell.

For those of you who have had the chance to read it, what did you think?

I felt transported back to 1947 -- everything seemed so romantic. I could just picture the women smoking their cigarettes and the men drinking their scotches while post-war music played in the background.